Saint John of the Cross on Suffering and the Love of God

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And I saw a river over which every soul must pass to reach the Kingdom of Heaven, and the name of that river was suffering … and then I saw a boat which carried souls across the river, and the name of that boat was Love.

Saint John of the Cross

C.S Lewis on Aiming for Heaven

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Aim at heaven and you will get earth thrown in. Aim at earth and you get neither.

C. S. Lewis

St. Bernadette Soubirous on Loving

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I shall spend every moment loving. One who loves does not notice her trials; or perhaps more accurately, she is able to love them. I shall do everything for Heaven, my true home. There I shall find my Mother in all the splendor of her glory. I shall delight with her in the joy of Jesus himself in perfect safety.

St. Bernadette Soubirous

Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman on Heaven and Perspective

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To the irreligious person heaven would be hell.

Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman